About Me

WHO THE _ _ _ _ ARE YOU?!

A picture of Jerrin Finney, the owner of The 1099 Life website.

Hey, that's me! Jerrin Finney! It's not the Warner Bros. water tower in blackface, so don't report it!

I'm not anybody. Just another voice on the internet. But my mother named me Jerrin, so that's the name I'll go by. My opinions and views are important to me - especially in the present moment I'm in - but that doesn't mean I'll always feel that way or that you should take me seriously. I'm not telling you to take me seriously or not to take me seriously, though. You know how you should feel about me!

I started this blog off for me. It is meant to show that I've accomplished a lot. I've put a lot of time and energy into learning skills. No, I may not improve at the rate others do. However, I'm making my own progress. It's not meant to make me rich, though I'm not opposed to that. It's not meant to win me friends or enemies, though I'm slightly more opposed to one than the other. But in the end, that's something I don't entirely control so I don't worry about that, either.

I experiment with things I think are interesting to me - whether it be developing video games, learning how to code, writing books and short stories, or writing songs. Life's a playground and we only get one shot to play in this playground before we have to leave it. So why not enjoy and learn as much as we can from it? I follow the "Jack of all trades, master of none but oftentimes better than a master of one" quote. No, I won't argue that was the original quote as, according to Wikipedia, (as of June 30th, 2024),  there's no proof backing that one up. But I do believe that trying many different things is better than just sticking to one thing - especially if you're not sure that just one thing will satisfy your life.

I have an interest in a variety of hobbies - why not try as many as I can? That's a part of living freely to me. Anyway, I want to share my knowledge and thoughts with others because sharing knowledge is how we advance in life as a species. So I want to be as helpful as I can in adding valuable information to the knowledge pool we currently have access to. I know how things work on search engines. It's all about ranking on the first page, and not providing audiences with information that they would value.

I also owned a few e-commerce stores. I own another website, www.jerrinfinney.com, where I talk about what I've learned from my experiences as a writer. I also do print on demand on Amazon via their Amazon Merch on Demand platform and sell books through Amazon's KDP platform. I do love the written word, as you can tell since I have two blogs. But I also love starting new projects. If one doesn't work out, I can quit it easily and work on those I enjoy working on. I come from a working-class background and I'm transitioning to a self-employment role. Why? Because I like being in control. I want the responsibility and the rewards of controlling my own life in all the aspects I can - including careerwise and financially.

I have three years of experience in e-commerce and selling things on platforms like Amazon.com. I've also been editing and creating content on the internet in my spare time for over three years now. From blog posts to videos for social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok, I've created content and marketing content - mostly for myself.

Thank you for coming along on the journey and I hope to keep you informed and entertained!